Phytogenix Rx Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Program

Overall Wellness

Unbalanced hormones can make you feel like a stranger in your own skin. 

Hormones have a powerful effect on your body and many areas of your health, including your mood, metabolism and your sexual and reproductive function. 

Phytogenix Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Services include:

  • Highly Trained Physicians specializing in Natural Bioidentical Hormones
  • Comprehensive Hormone Level Testing including Blood, Saliva and Urine
  • Personalized Hormone Therapy Programs – Matching Solutions with Symptoms
  • Thorough Analysis of Lab Results, Symptoms, Medical, Family and Personal history
  • Quality Compounded Hormones and Pharmacy-grade Supplements
  • Nutritional Guidance and Support
  • Anti-Aging Therapies
  • Customized Men and Women’s Health and Fitness Programs

The Midlife Crisis: Hormones in Me

Men experiencing the male menopause who want to get a grip on weight gain, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass, and body fat are also finding solutions through Phytogenix Rx’s natural hormone therapy. For men, andropause (the male menopause) happens gradually and when diagnosed, the symptoms are successfully treated using bioidentical hormone therapy.

When women move into middle-age, they know, at least to a degree, what to expect. Menopause and its symptoms are well known and accepted. But what about men? Fluctuating hormones have always been more of a women thing by popular opinion; men have testosterone and that was the end of the story. The only indication that too many men had about what to expect for their aging process was the proverbial midlife crisis. The cause of this midlife crisis wasn’t discussed or even questioned and men stepped blindly into middle age with no explanation for the symptoms they were feeling.

Then the doctors woke up. Every living being, male or female, human or animal, are governed by hormones. Yes, men have testosterone, but they also have estrogen, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dihyrdotestosterone (DHT), cortisol, etc. After years of men coming to their doctors wondering why they are experiencing low sexual drive, weight gain, muscle loss, urinary problems, irritability, depression, fatigue, hot flashes and even more, studies were finally performed and research was finally attained on the role of hormones in men as they age.

The Answer: What is Andropause?


What they found shouldn’t have been surprising; there is a male menopause or andropause. Similar to women, hormones in men decline and change with age. The difference is that the hormones in women change drastically but for men it is gradual. Men do not just wake up one day with an entire host of symptoms; it happens slowly over time as testosterone levels, for one, diminish and other hormone levels, like estrogen, increase.

Too many have kept quiet about their symptoms, attributing it to aging and a midlife crisis or believing that something must just be wrong with them personally. Andropause does exist and affects men as early as 35. Beyond andropause, hormones in men can reach imbalance with thyroid disorder and more. Hormone imbalance does not gender discriminate!

What Does it All Mean?


Andropause symptoms due to declining hormone levels are common in men as they age. The modern lifestyle of high stress levels and poor fitness and nutrition habits paired with an increased life expectancy have a substantial affect on the male body. With your hormone-producing glands being forced to work harder and longer, it is no wonder that hormones become imbalanced over time.

In men, this hormone imbalance often has the biggest impact on testosterone and cortisol (the stress hormone). With testosterone and cortisol levels out of proper range, men experience a range of andropause symptoms.

These male menopause symptoms include:

  1. Erectile Dysfunction
  2. Night Sweats in Men
  3. Muscle Loss
  4. Low Libido or Sex Drive
  5. Depression
  6. Weight Gain
  7. Urinary Problems
  8. Hot Flashes in Men
  9. Gynecomastia (male breasts)
  10. Hair Loss
  11. Sleep Apnea
  12. Fatigue
  13. Irritability

The imbalance of even one hormone causes imbalance in other hormones and leads to a domino effect of sorts. Men may not experience all of the above symptoms of andropause, but instead commonly experience a combination of symptoms. While these symptoms are signs of andropause, they may also be symptoms of other conditions like adrenal fatigue and poor thyroid health.

There is Relief


Contrary to popular belief, none of the above male menopause symptoms are just signs of old age. These andropause symptoms may be correctable through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. It all starts with quick and simple testing that allows a Phytogenix Rx anti-aging expert working with your doctor to prescribe an individualized natural bioidentical hormone, nutrition, supplement and fitness program designed to work specifically with your body to correct your symptoms. Live better, longer.

Contact the Phytogenix Rx bioidentical hormone therapy specialist to schedule an appointment and learn more about andropause and how these male menopause symptoms can be relieved through bioidentical hormone therapy.

Natural Bioidentical Hormones for Women


No two women are alike, and compounding pharmacists understand this.

Millions of women in the United States are suffering from hormonal imbalance, whether it is early menopause, perimenopause symptoms, perimenopause weight gain, adrenal fatigue, menopause, or premenstrual symptoms (PMS). In many cases, bioidentical hormone therapy is the solution.

The signs of menopause and related hormonal issues include:

  1. Weight Gain
  2. Hot Flashes & Night Sweats
  3. Mood Swings
  4. Depression
  5. Low Libido / Sex Drive
  6. Insomnia / Sleeplessness
  7. Fatigue
  8. Memory Loss
  9. Fibroids
  10. Endometriosis
  11. Premenstrual symptoms
  12. Vaginal Dryness

Hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping and weight gain are the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance as a woman ages. Perimenopause weight gain is often times misdiagnosed and is one of the first signs of hormonal imbalance. These signs of menopause or early menopause and related conditions are also connected to your stress levels, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and the environmental toxins your body is exposed to on a daily basis.

Phytogenix Rx’s physicians use only bioidentical hormone therapy, which are identical to the body’s natural chemistry. Phytogenix Rx’s expert physicians provide a natural treatment that supports women suffering the symptoms of perimenopause, menopause whether due to age or a hysterectomy, adrenal fatigue, and thyroid disorders by using bioidentical hormones or natural hormones to live the best life possible.

Hormonal imbalances are the root of many chronic health problems and can increase your risk of serious disease. In women, the symptoms often first appear in perimenopause or menopause, when estrogen, progesterone and testosterone production begins to diminish.

The good news is that hormone losses and imbalances are correctable. Through the use of bioidentical hormones, women can not only be relieved of the symptoms, but also effectively protect themselves against osteoporosis and heart disease. And through supervised treatment, natural hormone replacement therapy can make women feel healthier, and younger than they have in years.




Who needs Bioidentical Hormone Therapy or HRT?


Women suffering from early menopause symptoms looking to put an end to hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, mood swings, weight gain, and low libido are turning to Phytogenix Rx to replace natural hormones. These certified anti-aging physicians design individualized programs specifically for each woman suffering from early menopause symptoms, menopause, perimenopause, and severe PMS.


Testing with Comprehensive Symptoms are critical factors for success.

To determine your hormonal needs, Phytogenix Rx physicians thoroughly evaluate your symptoms using state-of-the-art diagnostic tests, such as, saliva, urine and/or blood tests to determine your hormone levels and your unique bioidentical hormonal needs. After starting bioidentical hormone therapy, Phytogenix Rx will monitor and re-evaluate your hormone levels, meeting with you, to insure that they are maintained at their optimum balance.

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